Register for workshop 5 on MicroSim software on 10th December 2025 at IIT Hydrabad
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MicroSim can now be used within Windows 10 and 11 via WSL using Singularity container

MicroSim new release : Click here to download

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NSM - MicroSim Integration

MicroSim is a project under the National Supercomputing Mission, Govt of India. The project offers a set of codes that can use high performance computing to simulate microstructure evolution using the Phase Field technique.

MicroSim is a software stack that consists of phase-field codes that offer flexibility with discretization, models as well as the high-performance computing hardware(CPU/GPU) that they can execute on. Along with this the stack also consists of Multi-physics solver modules that are based on OpenFoam and AMRex libraries(will be added soon). The stack has an integrator interface that is built using python that allows one to create the input and filling files required for the solvers as well as provides a consolidated framework to choose the solver, compile, execute and visualize simulation results. The project is a consortium between (IISc Bangalore, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, Savitribai Phule Pune University, C-DAC Pune). Following is a brief description of the different software modules and details on how to independently execute them.

Why MicroSim?


Free and open source

MicroSim is an open source phase-field software that can be utilized readily or with minimal modifications for routine problems relating to phase transformations during materials processing.


Runs on multiple CPUs and GPUs

Runs on your favorite operating system as it is compatible with most of the operating system. Also can be implemented on verious high-performance computing infrastructure such as MPI(CPU), CUDA(GPU) and OpenCL(GPU).


Availability of multiple model and discretization

The phase-field models include the Grand-potential formalism, Kim-Kim-Suzuki as well as the Cahn-Hilliard descriptions. The discretizations include FDM, FVM and FFT.

MicroSIm Front page

User-friendly GUI with powerful post-processing tools

Microsim comes with a highly interactive user interface which is based on python-QT. Microsim allows the user to create the input files and choose the solver of his choice for the execution with integration of post processsing tools like ppt count, dendrite tip radius, tip velocity, front undercooling etc.

Training for new users

We offer training sessions on MicroSim on demand. We also conduct ICME workshops, and courses on MicroSim modules. Contact us here
or email us at nsmmicrosim@gmail.com.

MicroSim Modules



Casting Simulations
Casting Simulations

Grain-growth Simulations
Grain-growth Simulations

3D Grain-growth Simulations
3D Grain-growth Simulations

Coarsening Simulations
Coarsening Simulations

Multiphase Coarsening Simulations
Multiphase Coarsening Simulations

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